Take a Class
Colleges available in Wisconsin that Offer Central Service Programs
The Western Wisconsin Sterile Processing Professionals does not endorse any particular institution. We are offering local sources available for individuals interested in pursuing formalized educational training within the Central Service Profession. Please contact these sources for further information.
Traditional Classroom
Located in Janesville, Wisconsin
Located in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Located in Marshfield, Wisconsin
Located in Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Online/Self-Study Classroom
CHL certification self study course
Self study for CIS certification
Free CE Credits
If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs. Our Free CE credit library has something to offer no matter how you learn. Click the Logos to head to the vendor's website to access their offerings.,
Sister Chapter Education
Visit Our Sister Chapters for more education
Our WWSPP members can apply for reimbursement for attending Sister Chapter Workshops/In-services/Conferences
Complete the Member Reimbursement form for sessions attended
You will be expected to report (verbally at a chapter meeting or written emailed) on what you learned from each of the speakers at the conference. After you have reported this information and turned in the reimbursement you will receive payment, for the amount of the Conference up to $70.00 from the WWSPP Treasurer.
Not completing these responsibilities forfeit reimbursement of the amount you paid.
Thank You for attending and representing WWSPP.
WWSPP Chapter Email: